Sponsored Silence
Jane Cross and her friend Julia held a 3-hour sponsored silence for ‘Leukeamia Busters’ in Harry’s Bar, Shanklin Old Village, on Saturday, 4th October from 6pm in memory of her son Peter who lost his battle with leukaemia at just 20.
Jane and Julia raised £802 for the charity and Harry’s Bar have now adopted Leukaemia Busters as their chosen charity. Thank you so much Jane and Julia.
She says, “Anyone who knows me will appreciate how hard I will find this. Drinking, eating and talking are my favourite things. If you felt able to make a contribution I would be so pleased (as would all the punters in Harry’s).
“Never a day goes by when I don’t think about our wonderful son, who so tragically lost his battle against Leukeamia when he relapsed on treatment in 2012, Just when he was about to venture into adult life and fulfil all that he had to offer.”