Brokenhurst Manor Golf Club
We are very lucky to be able to announce that for the year 2017-18 the Ladies Captain of the Brokenhurst Manor Golf Club will be supporting Leukaemia Busters as her chosen charity. Naila Webb took her position up on Sunday 22nd October 2017 and will be hosting various golf and social events at the Club in order to raise funds.
So far these events have included a Curry Night and also a guided walk around the New Forest around Burley. See Naila pictured below with partner, Andy, and also Brokenhurst Manor chef Ian Havelock who presided over the splendid curry meal. and also a picture from the Smugglers Walk.
On June 19th Naila took the plunge, literally and skydived for Leukaemia Busters. She says:
‘On the day I was up at 6.00 to be at Old Sarum Airfield by 7.45. Registration, an introductory film, and talk, then into practice harnesses – loo break and then my name was called. We went up in groups of 7 with instructors, I had a lovely girl called Holly.
There was no option now, we filed onto the plane and sat on benches. At 10,000ft the red light buzzed and Holly said “ready”. I just nodded my head with my heart in my mouth. She shuffled us out and before I knew it we were free falling out of the plane. The fall lasted a long 30 seconds and then Holly pulled the parachute rope. Bliss. We floated down gradually, taking in the gorgeaous view of Old Sarum and Salisbury Cathedral. A soft landing and it was over. I would recommend it to anyone – brilliant experience.’