King Harry’s Bar Quiz Night
Organiser Laurie Humm says; ” A charity Quiz held at a “packed” King Harry’s Bar on Sunday 29th May 2015 raised £250.00 in support of The Leukaemiabusters Charity.
The photo shows the winners “Beauties & The Beast” with Nicola Ottley on the right who kindly allowed the use of the King Harry’s facilities for the evening. Thanks to Nicola also for providing a fine complimentary buffet at the interval.
Graham Reeve the only male in the winning team, and incidentally manager of Seaview FC, tells me he believes his team should have been called “Beauty and the Beasts”! I don’t think so somehow Graham.”
Our thanks go to Laurie, Nicola and all the teams who took part in the Quiz. So far this year the patrons of the King Harry have raised £550 for Leukaemia Busters!
For more photos visit our Gallery here